12 Revelations of Christmas

An AR Advent Resource

We have created an exciting new Augmented Reality, digital Christmas resource. This resource has been designed to be used with children and young people in a range of settings including churches, schools, in detached work and as a personal devotion in the run up to Christmas. Our hope is that this resource will help children and young people discover afresh the real, amazing and miraculous meaning of Christmas.

There are 12 different revelations of Christmas to explore and discover each with an exciting, digital, Augmented Reality experience that helps bring to life the truth and meaning of different parts of the Christmas story.

We want to help the church grow in confidence in using digital technology as we believe this will engage with a generation of young people who love to use digital innovations as part of daily life. We believe this Christmas resource will be a great tool to do just that.

This resource enables you to explore 12 different ‘revelations’ or aspects of Christmas. The story comes to life in front of you through your smart phone. Each of the themes encourages you to think on and consider the truth and meaning of this key time in the Christian calendar. We have then created 12 devotional reflections that can be used as a session plan within a youth session. These offer a Christian definition of each revelation, a Bible reflection, questions to consider and a practical idea to share this revelation with others.

New addition to the 12 Revelations Of Christmas Boxes

We are excited to mention a new addition to the 12 Revelations of Christmas boxes. Due to the current Covid restrictions, we wanted to adapt our resource to make it more accessible as a tool for outreach. Anyone ordering a box will now get one free booklet included within the box. The booklet has all the Augmented Reality features of the box with the devotions. It also has 12 craft activities that use easy to access, low cost items from around the home. We have included a link to our website that shows 12 videos with steps on how to create each craft. Plus we have added a Christmas themed colouring page.

Our heart in creating these booklets was to create an innovative resource that connects families to the true message of Christmas and the gift of Jesus, particularly over this year when we have restrictions on how we can gather and plan Christmas outreach activities.

We are excited to see this resource being used to connect children and families to the wonder and miracles of Christmas by using digital innovation and fun activities to bring the nativity to life in homes.

These booklets are really adaptable and would be great to use within an online service, zoom chat or as a socially distanced community trail.

Inside the box you get:

12 x  Augmented Reality Christmas Interaction with spoken Bible animation

1 x  12 Revelations of Christmas 28 page booklet with all AR interaction, crafts, devotions, and colouring in page

12 x Craft activities with suggested items you have within your home

12 x How to do craft videos found via our website page (Click Here)

12 x  Devotions linked to the 12 revelations of Christmas

Free samples of AR David Vs Goliath, the Good Samaritan and information about AR and VR training sessions which you can read more about there (Click Here)

Do get in touch if you would like to chat through any ideas.

View the 12 craft activities below:

Craft Videos

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the plugin could not retrieve data from the Vimeo API! This resource is restricted in your region.

How Can This Be Used In A Missional Context?

Click on the button below for a set of ways to engage with this Augmented Reality resource. These could be used within your Church service, in a prayer space in school, perhaps as a geocaching experience or as a Christmas journey through a village, town or city. They are just some ideas to help you see how AR can be used as you connect with Generation Z using digital interaction. We are more than happy to chat over these ideas on the phone.

It is really exciting to hear that there are a number of groups plan to run a geocache style advent hunt across their town or city using our 12 Revelations of Christmas Augmented Reality resource. This is a great idea to connect with families in your community. To help you plan your own Advent Hunt, we have created an additional resource that you can print and laminate to display across your area for the hunt. The card has instructions and can be placed within local businesses. We are excited by the opportunities this will bring for people within your community to explore the truths of Christmas.

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