We are so looking forward to gathering young people once again from Leeds and Bradford for the next Mission United Faith In Life to have lots of fun offering groups the chance to interact together in all sorts of activities, mission projects, times of teaching and worship all with the view to equip and inspire young people to be followers for Jesus within all arenas of life. It’ll be really great to meet-up with you all again, it’s been far too long! We’d love to use our future time together to encourage youth to meet and connect from all over the city.
The next MUFIL event is going to be on the 25th-26th of March. This will be a space to get young people together to worship, pray and be missional. We’re welcoming all youth across Leeds and Bradford at a cost of £25 each (bursary of £10 will be made available, contact admin@missioanlgen.co.uk for more information). Please visit our Events page to find out more and to book your spaces!
This is for any youth who are open to the opportunity of meeting and socially connecting with others again, fun, games , worship, teaching, missional activities and encountering the Holy Spirit. We’re promising a great overnight stay, with lots of social activities and after-hours program that will encourage young people to make new connections after a long time of not being being able to meet.
We are so excited to share that Bradford is our next possible venue. There are more details to come, but below is a timetable of what the over night MUFIL gathering could look like.
Booking is open and ready!
Fri 25th March
5:00pm: young people arrive, set up the tent and social time
6:00pm: meal
7:00-9:00pm: evening program
9:00-10:30pm: after hours, hot chocolate time, chill time
Sat 26th March
7:30-8:30am: wake up for breakfast and pack away tent
8:30-9am: free time
9-10:30am: worship, teaching, small groups, activities
10:30am: refreshments
10:45-11:30am: mini mission, prayer walking, setting up fro afternoon mission,
11:30-12:00pm: social time and activities
12:00-1:30pm: lunch and free time
1:45-2pm: set up for afternoon mission activities
2-4pm: mission activities
4:30-7:00 pm: pack down mission activities and chill time with inflatables
5:45-6:30pm: meal
6:45-7:00pm: free time with inflatables and activities
7-8:45pm: evening session and teaching
8:45pm: group photo
9:00pm: leaving